Celebrating 60 years as a specialist insurance broker Celebrating 60 years
Financial Difficulties

Are you experiencing financial difficulties?


If the answer is yes, contact us now so we can work with you to provide you with the help and support you need. Engaging with us early, even if you haven’t yet missed any payments, will allow us to help you in the best possible way. A variety of options could be available to you, with the aim of maintaining an appropriate level of insurance cover that is important to you and that you can afford. Examples of these options include, but are not limited to:

  • Reviewing your demands and needs
  • Adjusting cover, either on a short or long-term basis
  • Looking at other suitable products on the market

Where changes to your insurance cover do not suit or help your financial situation and you pay for your insurance in installments, you should contact your insurer, or finance provider directly, as further financial support may be available, which could include, but is not limited to:

  • Tailored support, which is appropriate, taking into account your individual circumstances
  • A temporary pause on payments
  • Temporarily reduced payments
  • Suspending, reducing, waiving or canceling any further interest or charges
  • Amending your repayment date, or spreading payments differently
  • Help with accessing money guidance, or free debt advice

Need more help?


Free and impartial help with money is available on the MoneyHelper website, which is backed by UK Government. Support is also available to help with the rising cost of living via the government website Help for Households.


Please see our FAQ’s on Payment Deferrals 


Q – What is a payment deferral?
 payment deferral is an arrangement under which a firm permits a customer that pays their insurance premium in instalments to make no payments for a specified period 

Q – How do I apply for a payment deferral?
A – You should contact your insurer or finance provider direct 

Q – If I am granted payment deferral, will I be classed as being in arrears on my payments?
A – No, nor would the provider or any third party such as broker or debt collector be allowed to cancel the policy or collect payment during the deferral period 

Q – How long can I defer payments?
A – One to three months however, the provider can grant a longer extension should they wish 

Q – Will I have to pay a fee? 
A – The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) would not expect a customer to be liable to pay any charge or fee in connection with the granting of a payment deferral


Post and paper-based documents

We continue to handle all post (incoming and outgoing), and paper-based documents such as cheques, as quickly and efficiently as possible to ensure they are processed in a timely manner to safeguard policy cover. Should you have any concerns about instructions or cheques you have sent which may not have been processed, or documents you believe you are due from us, please contact us urgently.